Last time you asked this you weren't sure exactly what the answer was an anagram of . Are you now sure it's an anagram of Hercule Poirot rather than just POIROT
Is the answer the name of a TV programme?
hi factor30,the answer is the anagram of the answer to this question.the belgian who uses his little grey cells.related to television programmes.recent or older.
So we could be loking for an anagram of POIROT or HERCULE POIROT (or MONSIEUR POIROT etc).
There are lots of such anagrams- some examples have been given. Is the resultant anagram one word or more? Is there a theme to the answer/ We need more information.
the answerto the clue,are a mixture of factual,anagram,crypticetc.related to television programmes.recent or older programme,but well known or remembered.