in english law what 2 word phrase is virtually synonymous with manslaughter and means a sudden quarrel in which one party kills another without pre-meditation but also with having to accept responsibility for the crime. could anyone give another clue please? thanks.
I think that bennattod is right. I live and learn. I've never heard that expression before.
And No. I gave up Quizmail/Learnburn when all the answers appeared on AB.
Good Luck mamma.
bennatodd,while looking into your suggestion i came across 'chaud-medley'. i think this could be the answer as chance-medley is the same sort of thing, but in self-defence. i have never heard of either of these phrases, so your reply has really helped. thanks again.
sorry to disagree with you ,but Chance medley is the result of a sudden quarrel, chaud medley is the result of a 'hot affray' the self defence bit is mainly a red herring, but there is very liitle diference between the two in law