92. In the past you had a horse but were interested in Peter's. 4
59. Ronald took part in a crooked deal with the robber 7
I know its early but could anyone give me a clue for these please? They're driving me mad! Thanks.
A long way back, I discovered there was a crocodile of six letters beginning with M and i could see where Old Bob fitted but I couldn't explain the No.10 relating to the L that was left over. The penny has just dropped with a loud clang. I was stuck on Downing St. or roman numerals even though I had the answer to No.10. Sometimes you don't see the wood for the trees. Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the tips Badger 4 for 92 but still have not got there. Not got 65 either despite going through all the dances I can think of! Oh well, they're not the only two I'm still struggling to find. Again, if I have any that some of you need help with I'll be glad to try to do so.
By the way Goofy, great response to Sprinter 53. What sad lives some of these people must live if they are just sitting there waiting for us to ask for clues so they can pounce on us. It's the old old thing again, don't read if you don't like what you see. We're all donating large amounts, not just the entry fee and all we ask for is clues, the same way we do from friends, internet or books.
Thanks Teacher 1 and Spitza, have got 59 now, of course! Only managed to get back on to it at 11.45pm so a little tired, don't think I can concentrate on Peter's. My Chambers is not very good, is a newer version, I usually rely on my wonderful old Collins but may have to pay a visit to the reference library to look it up. Am going to bed, thanks and goodnight to all. Will look you all up again tomorrow. Sleep well.
Yes!! Thank you badger 4 teacher 1 and spitza. 92 was indeed a clever clue. Chambers in the reference library soon helped me out though. That brings me up to 80, plus a couple of possibles. Plenty of time though.
I am still struggling with 38 (is this simply a word beginning with B? Doesn't seem too precise a clue if so), 42 (does it contain RC?) and 90 (have an answer, but no good connection with blitzed) - any threads to chase ?