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A Thoroughly Bad Lot

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jenniferd | 13:43 Fri 02nd Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
I know its a bit early but I have seen some requests for clues to certain questions.
Could I have a clue for Q1. Debars Uriah, a relative misfit. (5 and 5).
There have also been clues given for Q92 but they haven't enabled me to come up with anything. The question is " In the past you had a horse but were interested in Peter's".
A friend has decided that the answer to 64 is the leader of the Peasants Revolt of 1381 but I am unconvinced - is she right!
Thanks for clues only - not answers.


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and if someone could give me a clue to 58 it would be much appreciated.
15:05 Fri 02nd Oct 2009
Think of a dark farm animal for no 1
64 Austalian l anagam of end and a bingo call for no1
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Thank you spitza. Very obvious from your clues.
91) an old word for you. It's in the first line of a Christmas Carol. Then a 2 letter word for a horse, followed by a trip to the library to look the word up in Chambers!

64 - nothing to do with the Peasan't Revolt!
and if someone could give me a clue to 58 it would be much appreciated.
think of another word for an alien plus 6th letter from earthling
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Of course they are clues ........ not one answer has been given. If you don't like it ...... stay away !
I'd got the sixth letter - it ws the rest that I was struggling with!
Well said teacher1.....these clues for the most part are excellent....I am still struggling though !!!!
Hello again Goofy. No.58.... I think it's a pop group from 80's - sort of punk if I recall correctly
Goofy ..... think of a group with a Golden Brown hit ! lol
Thanks teacher1 confirms my answer...I was going to give a clue that the group came from where I live, in Guildford, Surrey. Think we've killed this one now.
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Killed it sprinter53 ....... I doubt it ! More like making more money for charity ! So can you just 'run' away please. Thank you.
Don't you like supporting quizzes Sprinter or are you thinking you would like to win it on your own? send your address I will send you some money.
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It's very simple sprinter ......... the more people who send in finished quizzes, the more money the charity gets. I believe that that is the main priority.
...... and I forgot to add ........... lots of people will not send in their unfinished quizzes. That means the charity will get less !
My goodness Sprinter 53, what a pious person you sound. We do use our own brain power! Asking for clues is no different to looking in books or the internet. I just don't get your disapproval. Very few actual answers have been given, and in many cases inspiration doesn't dawn even when big clues are given. I wonder if you have not actually even completed the quiz yourself. If you have then why keep coming on here unless to look for clues yourself? I will just repeat what I said before, and what lots of my AB friends have said....If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen while we struggle on and then send off what we have achieved, with a very nice cheque for the charity. So there!!
Teacher 1 it's nice to know you are still around. Just left a message on the other long thread saying that I wondered if you were finished.

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A Thoroughly Bad Lot

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