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Sunday xpress mag xword

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paross | 11:20 Sun 04th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Morning :-)

There's always one!!! Feeling thick this morning and just can't get 12A. Stories or legends originating among a people and typically becoming part of an oral tradition? F-L-/-A--S


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folk tales
12a Folk tales

Hi! I hope you're still recovering nicely? :-)
Question Author
Thanks babe - knew I could rely on you!! How thick can you get, I knew it was something tales!

I am progressing SLOWLY it seems. It's very strange when there's no outward wound to see - you just don't know what's going on inside. I had my outpatients appointment come through and it's not till Dec 31st!! So everything better be OK!!
How are you?
New Year's Eve?!? Rotten timing...

I'm well thanks, though my usual ISP has disappeared & this one is (comparatively) costing a fortune - shan't be around all day today!
Question Author
I do not understand computer speak whatsoever so I've no idea what you mean!! I think I know about 1% of my computer's abilities!!!!!!!!! SORRY
How's the secret job doing?
Lol! It's not meant to be secret, it's just that I'm superstitious about putting the kibosh on it by telling anyone...

...Anyhoo, slowly & frustratingly is the answer
Question Author
Aaaah! Well keep your pecker up and I'll cross my fingers for you! Going now as my bum is getting numb! Have to keep changing position. Bye X
Speak soon - be well! :-)

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Sunday xpress mag xword

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