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millerxxx | 18:44 Sun 01st Nov 2009 | Technology
3 Answers
windows messanger keeps popping up
how can i get rid of it please
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I used to have the same problem with MSN (which is the same thing I believe). I could not find a way to turn it off and only use it when I wanted. In the end I decied to uninstall it. Go to Control Panel and 'Add/Remove Programs'.
It is so irritating that I no longer bother with it. If anyone knows a way to control its behaviour I'd like to know too.
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helo b
just been told how to get rid of messanger
c start run type in mcconfig
utility page comes up
c start up button
scrool down to messanger
un click it
click apply
good luck
If this is the Windows Messenger service (as opposed to MSN messenger) popping up with spam messages, a little program called Shoot the Messenger is available at which will disable it.
If it's MSN messenger, go to the menu and clcik on Tools then Options. Under the General section there are some checkboxes. Uncheck the ones to automatically run messenger when Windows starts and to allow automatic sign in when connected to the net. After that MSN messenger won't load and sign you in whenever you go on the machine

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