I work on reception in a hotel, often on my own, answering the phone is among my duties as well as checking guests in/out, If the phone rings while I'm checking someone in, would you as a guest consider it bad manners if I answered it? My boss thinks it should be answered and the person on the phone put on hold if I'm dealing with a guest...I think it's rude to break off from the guest I'm checking in...opinions please
I agree with you. The guest was there first and should be dealt with. Only when you have finished, should you answer the phone. Imagine the phone caller came up to the reception and shouted "me,me,me,I'm here, deal with me", you wouldn't break off your work to attend to him would you?
No I wouldn't, my boss's argument is, the guest in front of you can see you're busy, the person on the phone can't and thinks he/she is being ignored....he suggests putting them on hold! That would annoy me more as it's my phone bill thats being used.
No problem. What if you were dealing with the guest and it took longer than expected. Is the poor phone caller expected to hang on 20 minutes? Your boss is a fool. :-)
I would certainly think it bad manners were i a guest being dealt with at the time the phone rings and you both answer and deal with the caller whilst i wait, though if you asked me to excuse you for a moment so that you could answer the call and then put the caller on hold whilst you finished with me then no i wouldn't see that as bad manners. If you left the phone ringing whilst dealing with me then that i would see as being bad manners both to myself and to the caller..not to mention to your boss..thats why they're the boss!
I also agree with you and before retirement had many an argument with my employer. I maintained the customer in front of me had spent time and money to be there and deserved my undivided attention.The person on the phone might not even want to buy anything and just need info, If it's important they will ring back. " a bird in the hand etc"
thats what he suggests I do rinkins and still put the caller on hold telling them I'm checking someone in and will be with them shortly, what if the check in takes a while? Some guests ask a million and one questions on check in.
As long as you inform the caller that you have a guest to finish dealing with before you will be able to get back to him which gives them the option to hold or call back then everyone is happy. After all hotels should excell in hospitality..both to present, past and future guests.
thanks for all the opinions, I can see it from both sides, I just hate leaving the guest standing in front of me...feels like I'm breaking the rapport if you know what I mean, guess I'm just going to have to turn into an octopus with several mouths! :o)
I can see both sides here. Unanswered calls can lose business!
If I were to phone a hotel & there was no reply, or message asking to me to hold, it would put me off bothering & I'd go elsewhere.
If I were on my own serving a customer at the desk & the phone rang - I would simply say to the customer "Do forgive me, but would you mind if I take this call?" I'm sure an understanding person wouldn't mind waitng for a second whilst you put the caller on hold, or to take their details & call them back asap.
lol@octopus..easiest thing is to rest a blob of blu-tack under the phone reciever when on the reception desk and things seem to be getting too busy and you don't want to appear rude ..that way the caller gets the engaged tone and you and your guest can talk about how peaceful the lobby is and how polite all the staff are ..lol..as you are i'm sure.
You've stayed with us then alfiesgirl? We're all wonderful, and I'm not biased at all lol.....I'll just have to ask the guest if they mind and hope they say no! If they say yes...aargh!