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ste11a | 12:27 Mon 23rd Nov 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
These last 5 ditloids are driving me crazy! Any help greatly appreciated.
5 F E (6,8)
9 A A (7,6)
30 P A Q S Y I O S P (4,1,7,6,5,2,3,6,5)
142 M M M I F T S (7,5,4,2,4,3,3)
11 16 M W F R D (6,4,3,5,5,)


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5 finger exercise (a film title)
The third one is a strange way of saying there are 30.25 sq yds in a sq perch but I think it's actually:
30 Plus a Quarter Square Yards is One Square Perch

Is this a charity quiz? If so can you please tell me which one and how I might go about obtaining a copy. Thanks
Question Author
The quiz is for Hartington C of E Primary School PTA. Called "Tricky Numbers Quiz"
40 questions - Been driving me craszy!!
Contact J. Bonsall, 3 Greenhead Crescent, Biggin, Buxton, Derbyshire. SK17 0DP
Closing Date 11th December

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