Answers are titles of 1980's songs, and I have been stuck on these remaining few for some considerable time. Please can someone help me. No "letter counts" specified.
1. C and C# historical structure.
2. Andrew Flintoff's latest delivery (His last child born was named "Rocky", but that is not a 1980's song title.).
3. Birth....lub dub, lub dub, lub dub, ......death.
4. Where do the equator and timeline go ?
5. Constant natural light on the box.
6. 9.32 am 8.56 pm.
7. At first nearly 27 years ago but almost 17 years early.
8. ****! (That is the clue !)
9. Avarice.
10. Relating to a collection of protons and neutrons.
11. Dire Call.
This is almost half of the easiest section of the Children of Fiji quiz
Prize is only £10
You could have at least asked for clues
As the other two sections are harder than this one I presume they are going to follow so perhaps you might consider just asking for clues please
Couldnt agree more mysterygal but no one is going to listen unfortunately. Too many people want to look good by answering the odd quesiton so giving clues isnt likely to happen
The site would still be fun if clues were given and have you noticed that quizzes are getting less and less
My thanks to all who helped, but to those who have criticised me for using this "Question and Answer Site" (which is NOT repeat NOT a "clues site") - my reply is GET LOST ! And for your information, nasty MysteryGal, and Smouse, I shall not be posting questions 1 to 50, as I have every answer.