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clothes and footwear past and present

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meppy | 21:02 Wed 16th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
4 What you might do if rain is forecast (3-1-3)
7 Kipling,s hero? O, no! (6) all I could think was Mougli
8 Ethel met Ron during the war (6)
18 3..7..11...15. etc (4,5)
thanx 4 any help


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4. pac a mac
8 Helmet etHEL MET ron

18 Plus Fours
Question Author
thanx I just need to get Kipling,s hero - cheers
could be Mowgli ( there is a mowgli tshirt) otherwises that one as stumped me meppy
Question Author
thanx littlegriff I think I will go with it -happy christmas
kimono kinm is kiplings hero plus o no
U2 meppy

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clothes and footwear past and present

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