We have now safely arrived at the third week of the reign of “Princess Di” (aka grannydi). Last week, you did far too well. Can I make the challenge harder? Or am I doomed to be ever so predictable?
To continue my saga: In the 1970’s I took up golf and over a period of several years managed to win quite a few trophies and got my handicap down to a reasonably respectable 13. Unfortunately, it’s now slowly creeping back up, but each year I keep telling myself I will get it down again. That’s the reason one keeps going back to the game. I was asked to be Lady Captain in 1995, and from there I eventually got involved with County Golf and did two years as Captain of Durham County Ladies Golf. Very rewarding it was too. I am still involved with committees at the golf club and together with our Chair of Marketing ran ‘Taster’ sessions for ladies this summer and added 23 new members to the club role, which gave the club much needed revenue.