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Funday Life

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Annie 2 | 16:27 Sun 27th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Stuggling to get started with this!

1a They're certainly not hopeless! (9) ????????S
8a Less than two for a tune (3) A??
9a Settle what star turns won't do(4,3,2) ???? ??? ?I?L
11d An arresting cry, perhaps (4,5) ???? ?????
18a A night in France cuts into any kind of regular income (7) ????I?Y
20a Occasion some face with resolution (3,5,3) ??? ????? D?Y


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8a (p) air
18a an nuit y
20a New Year's Day
8a (p) air
18 an nuit y
9a foot the bill
1a optimists
11d Stop thief
18a Annuity
20a new years day
1a optimists
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Thank you one and all.

Happy New Year.

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