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dunroamin | 22:39 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Bumper Christmas Crossword

226a. Student finally in digs, perhaps getting news (7) t-d----
207d. Similar one found in different lake (5) --i-e.
206a. Southern man returning a church service (4) ---s
178a. Point taken by astute (4) e--t
64a A holy person with one type of wine (4) a---
54d. Man with diamonds for a girl (5) a--ce
61d. Brown stoat perhaps (5) --a-t
62d Adversary giving me yen by mistake (5) --e-y
109d. Pieces of sparkling material girls initially refuse (7) --i-t-r
108a Go on horseback round germany initially to find a narrow elevation (5) R-d-e


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226a tidings
207d Alike
206a mass
64a asti
61d toast
108a Ridge
207d Alike
206a Mass?
64 Asti
61 Toast
62 Enemy
109 glitter
54d Alice
62d enemy
This is your 3rd or 4th wad of clues - have you tried solving any of the clues yourself?
64a. Asti
54d. Alice
61d. Toast
62d. Enemy
109d. Glitter
108a. Ridge
Sorry,dunroamin. I'm dunanswering for tonight. I agree with jumbuck... they really are easy so get your thinking cap on!!
Question Author
Thank you for the answers.

Yes - I have most of them answered but just making sure they are right. Prize money is good so hopefully I might have a chance.

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