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Do you know your own body?

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TraceyK | 13:35 Mon 18th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers

I've had some great help so far, but am stuck on the last 6 qns. The answers all have something to do with the human body/ailments etc.

1. Fencer's weapon after type of charge (8,5)
2. Bottom (8) - unless the consensus is 'backside'?
3. Per Forster, it sounds like it should have a view (4)
4. More European money in a bowl (5)
5. It takes more than your 20 to make a bed (4)
6. This fish is out of water (4) - unless the consensus is 'lung'?

Thank you in advance!


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3 A "womb" with a View?
backside and lung sound good
What is the answer to 20? That may give a clue.
Forster "A Room with a View" so should be 5 not 4 RHEUM
5 Nail?
Question Author
For Q5 - the answer to 20 is 'muscle'
That's a shame. If it was foot or head, it could refer to the phrase:

"First the foot, and then the head, that's the way to make a bed"
1 shoulder blade?
3. Room - from E.M. Forster's "Room with a view"
I put nail, thinking of a bed of nails. We have 20 nails on our body.
Is "room" a part of the body?
I like it grasscarp.
I agree Tommo !!
Question Author
Another suggestion for 2 has been Buttocks? I think this one is ambiguous, unless it's more cryptic than I'm giving it credit for?

The nail answer was pure genius - would never have got that in a million years! x
3 Rheum - water mucous discharge
6 Soul?
> 1. Fencer's weapon after type of charge (8,5)


> 2. Bottom (8) - unless the consensus is 'backside'?

Problem is that 'buttocks' is just as plausible - very bad question setting when there are more than one solution...

> 3. Per Forster, it sounds like it should have a view (4)

Definitely WOMB.

> 4. More European money in a bowl (5)

Definitely BOWEL - e, being the symbol of the euro, in BOWL.

> 6. This fish is out of water (4) - unless the consensus is 'lung'?

LUNG sounds good.

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Do you know your own body?

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