Errr, I do understand - I've been a crossword compiler for more years than I care to remember! But that use would be frowned on by anyone who knows anything about Ximenean standards,
Right - so you would prefer to say a clue is terrible than accept that there are many dozens of crosswords that do not live up to your 'Ximenean standards'? I am surprised you are not complaining about many more clues than this one and wonder why you have chosen to single out this one.
If someone thinks it's a bad clue that's their opinion and they're entitled to it. I quite agree as it goes.
I don't believe Quizmonkey said that he (she?) did not accept that plenty of crosswords below that standard.
Touchy aren't we?
I do various cryptic crosswords and just looked up about Ximenean standards (never having heard of them before), it seems that they are rules for making clues suitable for the mentally dull - imagination, forget it.
Touchy? Who is the touchy one chelle? If it is your opinion that a clue is terrible, why say so? And why this clue and not the hundreds of others that are not up to a standard that very few care about? Who cares? Certainly not Mail crossword compilers or any other crossword that does not live up to an allegedly high standard!
Yes Chelle, touchy and ignorant, it would appear. The very fact that I've singled out this clue means that the 'hundreds of others' are in fact generally okay. Most compilers' clues, even Mail ones, ARE Ximenean whether the compilers know it or not. If such a code of standards didn't exist, no-one would be able to solve anything.
Even if it is the case that you consider this clue to be 'terrible', I ask again why you felt the need to say so, Quizmonkey. Do you honestly think that taffy49 really cares? Are you going to state your opinion about other clues that you think are 'terrible' when there is nothing to be gained from it but a little 'self satisfaction' that the crosswords you compile are of a higher 'standard' than others, in your opinion?
I take it that you have contacted the Daily Mail to express your opinion about this clue?
Why does it upset you so Kakuro?
When I do crosswords with friends we often discuss and give opinions about the clues. It's part of the enjoyment for us. I fail to see why someone making a comment on a message board is such an issue.
You may discuss clues amongst your friends, chelle, in just the same way you might dicuss the weather - that is all about sociality and friendliness. The difference here is that it serves no purpose. Taffy49 clearly does not care that it is a 'terrible' clue in the opinion of one poster, so what good does it serve? Are we really going to allow everybody who has an opinion to just say so, whether it is of value to the person asking the question?
This is a message site, it encourages debate and conversation. I'm pretty sure taffy49 didn't ask for your opinion of other posters in response to his question either.