This was a good mix of lots of different techniques. Progress was steady until a major PDM when I realised what the keywords were. After that it was very straightforward. I was rather uncomfortable for a while because I had a wrong, but apparently satisfying, answer to 5dn - however this resolved itself.
I have put my library number into that site cluelessjoe. It logs me into oxford reference online premium, however there is no OED (only ODE amongst others) and even if I search the entire database with the 2 word keyword it can't be found. It does have the full ODQ which is better than the "little" version free on the oxford site. Credo does not work for me either Mysterons - i must try and dig out my Athens password so I can get onto it.
re 35ac - I thought the word made from the 4th 5th and 6th letters of the answer is of the same family as the 3 letter word with the first letter replaced by the second letter of the second keyword
Are you sure you do not mean the '5th, 6th and 7th letters' and 'the fourth letter of the 2nd keyword'? If that is the explanation, I do not like it, because I do not think the corrected word defines letters 5-7...
x_word_fan. Do you mean 5th 6th and 7th? That is what I have assumed but 'of the same family' is not really satisfactory is it? It's a bit like saying a driver is a bus - or have I misunderstood? Thanks
Just finished - another tough one. It could have been a lot harder if not for the patterns (and it helped that I found the keywords before starting by doing a bit of research). 11ac was my second last, followed by 29d (backwards). Both had me kicking myself.
I agree that (2,4,4,2) is a bit of a letdown...I need to check my misprints a few more times just in case! Otherwise very enjoyable.
Midazolam - I tried to persuade my local authority to subscribe to CREDO
but no luck so far. I access the OED via my local authority's libraries page.
I am sure you have the explanation to 35 perseverer but for me that clue is a bit of a stretch.
Sorry if I misled you Midazolam - I must have used it primarily for ODQ .. I must have forgotten as I have been unable to access it since my library stopped subscribing (and I also since picked up a hardcopy of the latest ODQ). Like Clamzy, I'm trying to encourage them to subscribe to CREDO and re-enlist to Oxford, but they probably have other priorities!
Monday morning and I still haven't got the keywords with a couple yet to solve - 18d & 10d are eluding me so far. Am I right in thinking the latter is an anagram? Are the keywords muddled up? At a first reading of instructions I thought they would be in order.
teuchter2 Your initial assumption was correct about order, as is the bit about the anagram, but there is a but.... If you want to check the keywords, then, as already has been said, research in the obvious place about linotype will give you them on a plate.
Monday morning and I'm still struggling with this one. Is 10d an anagram? Ive at last found the key words. 18d is eluding me as well. i'm afraid I don't really understand the wordplay of 35a, Ruthrobin so can't help you there.
Try feeding the first few misprints you have into a word-finder (Quinapulus, Chambers or another) with question marks for the blanks - you know how many letters - it has already been said on this thread. Your key words should appear.
35 is almost an &lit clue teuchter - ignore the first 2 words for the wordplay. The next 4 words indicate the first 4 letters, the last 2 words the final letter. The remainder contains the misprint and defines the remaining 3 letters, as referred to above.
Thanks for all your help. I've now got the grid filled without looking at your answers (forgot to go to second page of thread!). I just need to check the misprints to satisfy my mind about them, and then work out the phrase beneath.
Above average difficulty I thought and a very clever construction. I didn't finally get the keywords until I had finished the grid as they seemed to be gibberish. I hope that the 4-word phrase is just a made-up one and not one in general use.
hard work but end is in sight - just need to place misprints / corrections in right order in order to hopefully make sense of the final four word entry which to date is not making any sense