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What happend to the "panic everyone" swine flu?

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RJUKL | 13:55 Sat 20th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
I have had a couple of head colds and two separate long lasting coughs but no sight nor sound of swine flu. After all the panic and the thousands spent on Tamiflu which was dished out willy nilly purely by a telephoned "diagnosis" it ended up a dead squib. There was no way that all the people who were given tamiflu without even being seen actually even had old fashioned flu. It seems that thousands took a few days off work on the basis of a phoned in sniffle which was diagnosed as swine flu. In addition this tamiflu had some unsettling effects on some who took it. This pantomime cost the country millions in terms of research, publicity, days lost working and media coverage etc etc. Has anyone actually been diagnosed that you know of. And has anyone you know actually died from it?


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yes, I know people who've had it, including a doctor. Nobody I know has died of it; but perhaps that's because they had the appropriate treatment?
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Yes I know people who had it, the real risk was to people with respiratory problems. Thankfully the numbers were a great deal less than predicted.
Nope. As you say a damp sqib.

I had the regular flu jab purely on I quilaifed due to age. I have been fortunate to not even had a snivel all winter.

Whats amazing me is the GPs are still trying to get rid of the SF injection. I collected my regular precription this week and a note was attached telling me to make an appointment with the nurse for this ta.

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RJUKL...well posted. do you know that your doctor contracted swine flu?
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I don't know if any samples were taken from those diagnosed with the actual and bona fide swine flu and where it was sent to be analysed and how long it took etc. by which time I am pretty sure the victim would have recovered anyway. This is judging by the time it takes for a routine blood test to get the results back to the GP.
RJUKL....again you are spot on.

Scientists have learned nothing from this outbreak:
How many cases.
Length of infectivety.
Efficiency of Tamiflu
Effect of the injection.


The drug companies have made a packet.
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Hi RJUKL. You don't wait for the horse to bolt then shut the stable door
I think the drug companies have largely peddled the hysteria in order to make money sadly...
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WILLWONKER Your reply does not really make sense. The reason being that few people actually had the swine flu jab. Also, it was not proven how effective this swine flu jab was against so called swine flu as nobody much (in this country at least) was accurately diagnosed with swine flu. All flu feels much the same. There is no way of judging whether or not those innoculated with the later vaccine were protected as there did not seem to be any outbreaks (ie many people in the same vicinity) going down with it. If the doctor had it, then it follows that some of his patients, colleagues, family etc would have caught it either from him or from the same source that he contracted it. If they didn't, what he had could not have been very virulent.
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Are you on drugs?
not my doctor, Sqad, just a friend who is a doctor. Do you think she was lying to me?
jno...that is just my point......who knows?
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she knows, because she's a doctor; I know, because she's a friend and I believe what friends tell me. Feel free to doubt the word of your own friends, by all means.
I think you still have a head cold, and sorry i did'nt know you had done your own survey of every medical centre and hospital in the country to arrive at your conclusion

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What happend to the "panic everyone" swine flu?

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