After I had mailed some parcels and paid for them with a card payment I asked the postmaster if he could change a fiver for me. He said they were not allowed to. I queried this and he said again that they were not allowed to. In disbelief I asked why and he said "someone has to pay for it". I asked who and he kept saying that someone has to pay for it. I only needed change for a car park which did not take notes or give change. I am still mystified as to why he should say they are not allowed to give change. He was the postmaster after all.
He was probably just one of those sad people, the know the type, won't do anything they don't have to!! I've met a few, not many thankfully! I'd take my custom elsewhere if I were you in future, even if it meant I had to drive 5 miles!.................
I would have bought a second class stamp and he's have had no choice but to give change. It's one thing asking someone on a tillpoint to do a 'No Sale' to open a till, but most POs have the money on a dispensing cache. I suppose he must have to open his cash drawer to put the note in, but as for 'someone has to pay for it' pay for what? It's not like you're asking him to count thousands of pounds out and take up his precious minutes!!