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OMG, just read the paper and some thugs have desecrated a young soldiers resting place

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Bobbisox | 14:18 Thu 08th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Now this I call disgusting, the young man was blown apart in Afghanistan whilst trying to save an injured comrade only to have idiots trash his final resting place...
I will never get my head round this kind of thing and no do-gooder will convince me differently either



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great use of the phrase "do-gooder" there
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??? ellette
Same here,bobbi,???haven't a clue what He/She is on about.
sick !!!!!! what is this country coming to ????
I agree bobbi - disgusting. This 'person' can have no conscience, compassion or sense of shame.
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I will give her a right to reply but seemingly not!
hi ever and zee
i hope they catch them fast !!!
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do you get where ellette was coming from here salla?
I read about that yesterday too Bobbi, some people have no the woman in this story:
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the young lad was only 19 himself, obviously 10 times the man of the no-hopers
I feel for his family to have this happen on top of their grief
No bobs - I'm stumped at to what ellette was getting at.
i dont get ellette either ??
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it makes your blood run cold daffy
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is he/she a newbie, I am bloody annoyed that she should bother to post then p!ss off
ellette ellette come out, wherever you are.... and explain?
I think some of these idiots who do this are attention seeking, knowing full well it will get put in the papers.
Why would a 'do-gooder' try to convince anyone that desecrating the grave of someone who died in the service of their country is anything other than an outrage?
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but they remain cowards all the same DEN, I believe it happened in Dagenham so if anyone knows these the police !
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Sandy you will always get the ones who will say
Ohhh they come from a broken home...blah, blah, blah
Joy - that is near me - what paper was it in.

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OMG, just read the paper and some thugs have desecrated a young soldiers resting place

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