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saoirs | 09:12 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
this place is for the birds[7,4]????t?? ????
hold spellbound [7] ?n??r??
animal written as a greek letter note[3]
military post [8] ????i???
somehow get in a hint of colour[5] ??n??


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2 could be Enchant is your R is wrong?
5 - tinge ?
3 - Rho (roe)
animal...gnu ?
Hi boxtop.

I thought the greek letter was 'nu' and the note was 'g'...but who knows?
military...garrison ?
There is milady, but I cheekily googled - there is Rho too...
Pi g?
PS is your pic where we go on Saturday nights....?
spellbound... enthrall ?
Pi g is good slaney!
2 enthral
Might be......

(Sorry saoirs for the extra traffic, boxtops and I know one another from another thread.)
I think pig is better.
And quinie has spelled enthral correctly. :-))
Can be spelt either way, ladyalex. ll is American spelling.
1 Poultry farm?
Question Author
most grateful to you all "pig" was the correct animal

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