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Thanks to all who have responded. It would appear that despite what we were initially told, that the drive way is not ours as far as the council are concerned. But it is positioned within our garden, and we are responsible for the upkeep of it (removing rubbish and weeds) - we were actually contacted by the council regarding an out of tax car that was parked there and told that it was our responsibility to see that it was removed. It was not our car, it belonged to yet another neighbour. As far as we are concerned, even if we do not actually "own" it, we have more right to the use of the drive way than anyone else as it is in our garden, and our gates/access are affected by anyone else who parks there. We have attempted contacting local MPs in the past but we recieved no response, however now would be the perfect time to try again, so thank you for the suggestion. We have actually contacted the local paper before, they weren't interested beyond expressing general sympathy for the aggrivation we're suffering. But again, thank you for all suggestions.