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Chopswick | 10:40 Sun 02nd May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
What is the concensus of opinion for the answer to 6 acrosss, plant with tall, straight flowering stem. Is it Jacob's Rod or Aaron's Rod.


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well, I've put Jacob's
I've put Aaron's...
I have put Aarons
I have put aarons
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Thanks all, I was inclined to go with Aaron's Rod myself.
I Have googled pictures of both and I am going with Aaron's rod as it is quite tall
and seems to comply with the clue. FB
Jacob's Rod has several flowering stems on each plant, Aaron's Rod has only one which seems to conform with the clue.
i quite like aarons rod on the other hand it could be jacobs rod
theres only one way to find out fight

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