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back and front example Actors founf here-BACK stage

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17071948 | 21:06 Fri 07th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
1. You need these with children.

2.The position of most prominence.

3.Bracing walkway.

Thank you for any help.


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Stage Manager
Flies ?
3 seafront ?'s something backstage (theatre), bibblebub...
Question Author
1. you need eyes in the BACK of your head.
2 forefront?
170171948 - am I right that these answers are to do with the theatre? You said Back stage in the title, that's how I've interpreted my answers!
^ if not, my answers are rubbish, and bibblebub is probably right (sorry bibble!)
I think that was an example, boxy :o)
I think so too now, sara, but it was a bit confusing. And I am a bit of a Thespian....
punctuation may have helped ;o)
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back and front example Actors founf here-BACK stage

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