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titles of elvis songs

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leavi | 15:49 Sat 08th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
11) D.C.I.T.S.D.S 20) I.W.B.T.T.Y 27) I.T.Y.H.K any help would be much appreciated. thanx in advance.


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Sorry, I was no help at all as they don't appear to be on the list:o(
Are they titles or opening lines?
I Was Born Ten thousand Years (Ago)
20 I Will Be True To You
You beat me to it factor 30. I was about to ask if it shouldn't be
I W B A T T Y A (I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago is the title)
20 may not be quite right as the correct title according to JMR27's wikipedia link is "I Was Born ABOUT Ten Thousand Years Ago"
Mines not right either.
Sorry yogasun- your answer must have come up while I was typing and double checking on wikipedia
No probs. factor 30, none of us are much help really are we?! :0(

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titles of elvis songs

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