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MM and KM Links May 2010 [Week 5]

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gen2 | 18:24 Fri 28th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
27 Answers
Welcome to the Shrubbery.
“Sir Robin of Links-ley” (aka Aquagility) has been teasing you all to guess his links over the last 4 weeks. Sometimes points were hard to find and then other weeks (e.g. last weekend) points have been available in abundance.

So what is there in store this wekend? Will it be easy or hard? We certainly need something to separate the leading bunch (of Christiana, deecee131, lysander, paulineward & seekeerz on 8 points) and to include or exclude the chasing bunch (of beejay1124, caslass, centrino, Grenmus & tearinghair on 6 points).

I can't remember when the last time there were so many contenders for the monthly crown. Not my problem though. After tomorrow's launch, control reverts to Crofter who will score this final round and declare the winner and the next setter at 7pm on Sunday.

We have now had a potted biography of Aquagility's entire life so where else is there to go? Maybe we'll learn of his mother's labour and his eventual birth? Or possibly his 'Prostate Years (à la mode Adrian Mole). Or could we be given an insight into his darker years?

Don't waste your time contemplating, for all will be revealed tomorrow at 8:45am in 'Quizzes and Puzzzles' when "Sir Robin" launches the introduction of his final MM Links Game to be followed at 9:am with the actual link words. Remember to play early though, because bonus points are only available for two minutes after the first correct match for each link.


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goodnight tearinghair...
Sarumite is just having a glass of Tobermoray.

I quite like Bushmills.
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Yes, whisky can be added to Christmas cakes, though my mother always added brandy - she said it acted as a preservative!

Good night all, I'd better get to bed as I have to be up early in case Aquagility sleeps in after his tiring day of travels.
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Bushmills Pauline! But that is IRISH!

That is whiskey rather than whisky - Must admit though that it tastes good.
Now what's all this nonsense about me being laid out after a few wee drams??
Have just completed the Spectator in less than 2 hours whilst sampling a few glasses.
By the way gen2 "anCnoc" was the first bottle of single malt I purchased when starting my romp through the whisky alphabet last year!
Right, let's pour another!!
Cheers (S) ;O)
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Cheers S.
Sarumite....can you please tidy up your mess!
Hmmmm. If you believe that !!!

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MM and KM Links May 2010 [Week 5]

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