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saga crossword

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bald eagle | 23:17 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
help please with these clues

13a fabric didn't stand out? Better to be stripped- 9 letter word S?T?N???E

24a as a leader of men, he had scores of takers. 2 words, 3 and 4 letters
A?I ????
appreciate any suggestions
thank you


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24a Ali Baba (and his 40=2 score men)
Ali Baba
13a SATINETTE [fabric]

didn't stand out = sat in
beeter to be stripped = (b)ETTE(r)
13a Satinette (fabric) . . . . sat in + (b)ette(r)
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my thanks to you all for your assistance
kind regards

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