Music5 mins ago
1 Small house on top of Grasmoor's second ridge (4-4)
7 Answers
1 Small house on top of Grasmoor's second ridge (4-4)
Apparently the answer is "hogs back" but why?
Apparently the answer is "hogs back" but why?
Hogs back - ho(use) + G(rasmoor) + s(econd) + back (ridge - obscure term for)
14:20 Sun 04th Jul 2010
A 'hog's back' is a small elongated sharp (rocky) topped mound formed by glacial movement - there are some near me just west of Calgary.
I agree I don't like the clue because I can't see where the 'back' comes from. The definition is 'ridge' so it shouldn't form part of the 'clue' as the other poster is suggesting.. Unless 'Grasmoors' becomes G'S and the 'back' comes from 'second' in some ball game reference..
I agree I don't like the clue because I can't see where the 'back' comes from. The definition is 'ridge' so it shouldn't form part of the 'clue' as the other poster is suggesting.. Unless 'Grasmoors' becomes G'S and the 'back' comes from 'second' in some ball game reference..