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cryptic clues for plants/trees

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keke14 | 08:47 Fri 09th Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers
1 - sounds like michael or kirks fleece
2- listen out for these in a boys band
3- another term for a flake
4 - huge former welsh secretary
5- wise mans approval
6- lucky in white
7- a touching request
8- methuselahs facial hair
9-master potters aunt
10- dame ednas favourite roman sword
11- cautious with money
12- shellfish
13-what the birds charge
14-a beat up reliant car
15- a life of luxury
16-nearly a pizza
17-engrave with a v
18-monty said that you must give us these or your life


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prickly help when weaving = Teasel
songbirdssound like a cat = Larkspur
18. LUPINS (Monty Python's Flying Circus Season 3 Episode 11)
2. Bluebells
3. Snowdrop
5. Solomon's Seal
9. Petunia (Dursley) = Harry Potter's Aunt
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thanks for all your help ~ still searching for the rest !!!
Question Author
thanks for your help still trying to find the rest !!!
Question Author
the last few are listen out for these in a boys brigade band
a touching request
wise mans approval
what the birds charge
monty said that you must give us these or your life
songbirds sound like a cat
a london borough
the second painful punishment
amphibious linen
eat the fruit of this bush with a runcible spoon
QUINCE which they ate with a runcible spoon.
I already gave you SOLOMON'S SEAL for wise man's approval
Question Author
remaining :
a touching request
what the birds charge
a london borough
the lion
the second painful punishment
amphibius linen
eat the fruit of this bush with a runcible spoon
this plant contains crucifixion symbols
nearly there !!!
I also gave you LUPINS for Monty said that you must give us these or your life
this plant contains crucifixion symbols = PASSION FLOWER
Question Author
yes gen ~ many thanks xxx as i am typing the question you have already answered x Thanks for all your help x
amphibius linen = TOADFLAX
amphibious linen is toadflax
7 forget-me-not?
9 Petunia ( Harry Potter's aunt)

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cryptic clues for plants/trees

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