Dan Lobb is the sports guy - I love him! My friends say they have never seen me like this about someone - ha ha!! Missed it a week or so ago when apparently he was on saying he was looking for a girlfriend! Not sure if he is leaving or not but with the new line up I am afraid I won't be watching - can't stand Adrian Chiles, don't want to hear his drone of a morning. I do like Ben too - my sister text to say she had a wee tear in her eye this morning.
I'd like to see Ben Shephard leaving ITV face first down a flight of stairs into a pit of pre-menstrul crocodiles!! Irritating, airheaded little fluffbag
Who cares ??????????? Plenty of other presenters out there, I think he's getting a bit big headed now. And his nose is getting more bulbous so I've gone off him now.
Adrian Chiles should stick to what he does best - Sport!! Leave 'housewife TV' to the man-hating masses that dominate daytime telly!
This morning is like GMTV for the really stupid, and Loose Women is a backwards step in the evolutionary scale (although I have a bit of a thing for Coleen Nolan, but don't tell NoM)
I just need to have something a bit light hearted on the tele of a morning while I get ready to go to work! This Morning is a bit of a novelty when on a day off as for Jeremy Kyle - if ever off for a days holiday I switch it on thinking it will give me that feeling of not being at work when I am supposed to be but within minutes I have to switch off!