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Classic FM Mag Xword - stuck on 2 and would appreciate help 2d 5 letters surface of a stringed instrument over which the strings are stretched ??l?y and 18d 4 letters term for each of the ways of ordering the notes of a scale mo?e - is it a mode

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Celtigra3 | 18:16 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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18:19 Fri 30th Jul 2010
are you not getting the main box to type your question in?
Well she has managed to get Thanks into it so she must have it.
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Is she the cat's mother.............last time I put stuff in the box I got slagged for not putting it in the headline - seems people just want to be picky.
Thanks to Mark Rae for the answer.
Not at all - The detail box is there for the question - You only need the title in the Title Box
Belly, rather than inlay
thanks Jim, I don't know how I missed that, lol!
The inlay is the decorative work. The upper surface over which the strings are stretched is the belly. See Chambers.
Hi Celtigra,
If you look at the way other questions are set out you'll see yours does look a little different. It has always been easier to read questions set out in the proper box not the title box. You'll know for next time

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Classic FM Mag Xword - stuck on 2 and would appreciate help 2d 5 letters surface of a stringed instrument over which the strings are stretched ??l?y and 18d 4 letters term for each of the ways of ordering the notes of a scale mo?e - is it a mode

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