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one of the pharaohs

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Ken09 | 18:48 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
35 d r-m-e-e
the last e comes into 54 across which is in abet
the first e is in 49 across is in oregon
so whilst it would appear to be ramesesis the pharaoh the clues given do not allow it to be spelt properly


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what were the clues for 49a and 54a ? Are you sure they're correct?
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49 across american state (6) 34d always sober gives tee total which gives first letter o for oregan
54 a is encourage (4) abet? which gives an e at the end of the pharaoh
Sorry, Ken09, can't work it out. Rameses, Ramesses and Ramses are the only spellings I know and they don't fit.

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one of the pharaohs

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