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Four Clubs | 08:26 Wed 01st Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Please could you help me finish this crossword. I seem to have come to a complete full stop. Must have put something in which is incorrect!
25dn Full of energy and enthusiasm (8ltrs) s-a-(n)-e-.
35ac Length, Breadth and height (10ltrs) ---e-s-d (I'm sure I will kick myself over this one)
42dn Armed; dressed with a chisel ()6,2ltrs) -o-l-d up.
Many thanks.
Four Clubs.


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Question Author
Oh dear I thought I had set the title up...... It's the Times 2 No 886 for Saturday 29th August.
Four Clubs
42d tooled up
35a dimensions
42d. Tooled up
Question Author
Many thanks, Oldred. Unfortunately dimensions now throws 17dn out. I had put dead wood. Can you help, please.
Four Clubs
Question Author
Thank you also, Brenden.
Four Clubs.
Can you tell us teh clue and letters for 17D please?
17d dead loss
25d spirited (29a yogi)
Question Author
Many thanks again, Oldred.
Sorry factor 30 - having bad morning so far. Hope day gets better!!
Four Clubs.

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