Any ideas for finding something I have lost ? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Any ideas for finding something I have lost ?

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smurfchops | 11:23 Fri 15th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I had a piece of jewellery in my hand, I remember walking across the room with it, now it is gone. I have looked everywhere. I seem to remember a little poem about a pin, you stick it somewhere (no rude remarks please) and say a little poem and then you find what you have lost. Does anyone remember this, or what do you do when you have lost something to help you find it ? A spell would do !
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Find a pin, pick it up and all day long you will have good luck.
St Anthony! Will test for my item ?
Fin a pin, pick it up and all day long you'll have a pin.
Like tamborine, I am a St Anthony person. Say a prayer to St Anthony and see if it reappears!
Stop looking, and you will find it.

Have a nap and try to stop thinking about it. While dozing off, your brain might come up with an answer.
you need to circle your temples with your fingers in an anti clockwise fashion. This is scientifically proven to turn back time, then you can simply not lose your item in the first place.
Dont think about it, just wait for a while , and you will eventully come across it, hope i helped<3
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bednobs if I do that long enough will I be ten years younger as well ??
no, that's clockwise
Buy another one - as soon as you do, you will find the lost one.
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It's usually St. Anthony that helps me. Sit down calmly and retrace your steps in your mind, did you actually pick the item up?

For goodness sake get looking, I hate to lose something.
I use the Howard Carter method - it's how he found Tutankhamen's tomb. Divide the whole are you have walked over into sqaures (just by eye - no need to use a ruler) - then look over every square inch of each square before moving to the next.
Don't forget also to check cardies, trouser turn-ups, between sofa cushions and in your hair.
'area' not are....

Did you find it?
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Yes ! I asked my guardian angel, thought very hard, and remembered where it was !

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Any ideas for finding something I have lost ?

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