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Clocks go back Sunday morning........

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moonraker558 | 07:33 Fri 29th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Do you think it's time to stop changing the time twice a year just to please the Scottish farmers. After all if they don't like it they should get a job indoors or move South (not Wiltshire though) lol. Do you get fed up going to work in the dark then coming home in the dark as well? or do you like drawing the curtains and sitting in front of the fire in the evenings? Do you get depressed caused by daylight depravation? Do you think of the night shift workers like me who work a twelve hour shift and will be doing thirteen hours Saturday into Sunday? or does it not bother you one way or the other/


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Doesn't really bother me too much either way (although you, and other night workers, do have my sympathies for having to work an extra hour)
I'd rather not put the clocks back to be honest. It's horrible if you finish work at, say, 5pm and you have to leave in the dark.
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Lol, thanks CF
I dont think that one hour makes a massive difference in the middle of winter, its dark and dreary most of that day anyway
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That's true cazzz
But the golfing days are shorter in the winter, Cazzz. ;-)
I play through the winter normally (thermals permitting) unless its snows then they close the course :S
That's one benefit I guess :)
I really think they should stop this palaver of the clocks going back.
I hate winter and the dark nights.

As we are a part of Europe, why cannot we be on the same time as them???
Do they close your local course in the snow?

We get nutters out playing in the snow on the course I work in the middle of! they just go round and clear the greens in the morning!
I play at council municiple courses chuck, they do as little "maintenance" as they can get away with although a real treat in the last few weeks they have been squeegying the greens so they are not waterlogged. your course (which I am jealous of btw..) is probably a private club with higher standards and stuff ;)
thats the beauty of living in Spain, it never gets dark before 6.15ish.
i can remember taking a nice walk in edgbaston reservoir brum in the winter many a time, and having to go home at about 3.50pm cuz it was getting dark!!!!
It was still completely dark this morning at 8 am (it's a miserable day here in the Midlands). Imagine that transferred to 9 am if we stuck with BST and think of the half-awake motorists and cyclists on their way to work and school....I'm not sure if enough surveys have been done to study the increased number of accidents at that time of day. I know that even with GMT it takes until the end of February until it's anything like properly light in the mornings...I think that's much more depressing than dark evenings. But then, I don't play golf!
you would want to bring a friend if you did that nowadays piggy, bartley green reservoir is a bit safer than edgbaston these days
hi cazz, i was only walking around the ressie last year, with an old flame, and i didnt feel at unsafe. i agree you have 2b on your guard at all times. but strangely the ressie has a more tranquil feel to it in the cooler months. If you´ve ever been there, most people either go there to walk there dogs, or just to sit in their cars playing their loud music.
well said, tearinghair - if there was no change then the morning darkness in winter would bring as many complaints (or as few depending on your point of view) as those about dark evenings with the current system
last time I went there there was some sort of "dealing" but yes have to agree on a nice morning it can be a very tranquil place in the middle of the city to collect your thoughts! I live on the north side of brum now so would probably have to go to witton lakes to have a think (once they remove the burnt out car)
Hi Cazz, north brum, not kingstanding, erdington possibly?
witton lakes, used to go there in my teens. not sure id go now.
horrible walking down the canal this morning it was really dark. one day i'm going to fall in the feckign thing.

but it makes no odds to me whether they put the clock back or not either way one of my journey's to/from work will be in the dark
I listened to a farmer on radio yesterday and he was complaining that any change would rob him of an hours daylight which he needed to tend his livestock. Whatever time it shows on the clock face there will be an amount of daylight between sunrise and sunset.

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Clocks go back Sunday morning........

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