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daily mail wednesday

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hideaway | 20:16 Wed 03rd Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
1a 8 letters would friend, say, be game?

9a 8 letters Paris she nabs big one, who's retired and desirable.

1d 6 letters it commemorates those who died in the war abroad

4d 7 letters not much energy generated from coal on Rhine oddly

14d 4 letters bird initiallykept inside with islanders -o-i


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9a Eligible
1a Woodcock--------9a Eligible --1d Wreath---4d Calorie----14d Kiwi
14d Kiwi (first letters)

your o is wrong
I agree with ELIGIBLE.
Do you know any letters for any of these? I always find it helpful.
Question Author
Thank you UncleMeleager and octogenarian.
Sorry factor30 for the lack of letters but I was completely stuck on that corner and the football starts soon on ITV!

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daily mail wednesday

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