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Catholic Herald 2

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beanpole | 15:06 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Last one and despite googling can't find it !
11a Meeting to change half of 11's baroque interior (11a = oared) is an important one for the Church (5,2,8)
Synod of ?N?Y?A


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It could be Antioch, not sure of your letters, you are only showing 7 but the clue says 8?
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Sorry last word should be 6 letters and is definitely
Synod of Ancyra - - fits but too busy presently to work out why it's the answer
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Thanks Bibblebub.

I've found the Synod of Ancyra which must be the answer though like you I don't know why !
Hi beanpole - have you got the clue for 11a (I presume there is no 11d) please.
I think part of the wordplay may be baroque =F(anc)y

meeting = SYNOD
change half = 11 = anagram of OAR(ed) = ORA
baroque interior = put FANCY in the middle of that

synod oFANCYra
^^^ that line should read: change half of 11 = anagram of OAR(ed) = ORA
Yes - that must be it!
Question Author
Thank you Bibblebub and Slaney.

Your explanations are excellent. I left the computer and watched Countdown,

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Catholic Herald 2

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