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1st grange & cartmel scouts

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spudnick | 23:22 Wed 24th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
name the lightship
39 very close to the Greenwich meriaian in the English channel

British wildlife
55 a Scots musician that always gets into the sandwiches

People on tv
86 Dave Hadleigh, Bob Barrett, Dave Mansell an Paul Matthews have a major interest in which list published by thegovernment on Thursdays?
87 What sort of engines, machines and speed does an ex leisure centre manager and spacecraft technician present on tv?

any help appreciated


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55 9 letter bird
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39 sould read Greenwich meridian.

Thanks ladyalex - got it
chris barrie presents the shows
39 the Greenwich light vessel is on Greenwich meridian but the Sandettie light vessel is to the East but not far from the Greenwich meridian both are in the English channel
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Thank you prpr19
39 the Greenwich Light Vessel Automatic is on the Greenwich Meridian - Sandettie is located at 1 degree 47 E. http://en.wikipedia.o...ight_Vessel_Automatic

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1st grange & cartmel scouts

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