Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, brain is going blank!!
26 A holy spirit in Christianity plus cavities
13 Chemical element inside these rural people, on an incline
45 Members of R.C. Religious Order, tailor's iron.
I've found a place called Friars Goose, Gateshead. Do you think that could be it? Don't know how big it is, but if you Google it ,you will see lots of references.
Very many thanks for all your help, much appreciated. I do not live in the UK and cannot find my British Isles atlas, therefore, finding this one a bit hard.
Seasons greetings to you all.
Thank you very much,Torrin for Friarsgoose. I had tried that on the site that's been so helpful but it wasn't there. Didn't think to google it!That's another one off the list. Thanks again