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13% of people keep what in their wallets

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puzzleking123 | 09:47 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
22 Answers
Any idea where radio stations get there questions like this from. Thanks.


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A photograph.
A bus pass ?
postage stamps?
There must be people with clipboards out there somewhere asking people.
A teeny clipboard, which they had been carrying in their wallets ?
Jonnie's what ?

Won't Jonnie need it ... whatever it is ?
Money, Dog, Neighbours cat ,Chewing gum ..Whats what?
Trying to think of what else might be small, flat and would fit in a wallet.

Err ... ravioli ?
jj, you know, something for the weekend

Something for the weekend ?

Like the Saturday Guardian ??

Condoms, Piggynose I think that too!
Condoms ... too obvious.

I still think it's ravioli.
jd_1984, it was the 1st thing that come to mind, always carry at least 3

Will we ever find out the correct answer.......?
Did puzzleking123 stay tuned to the station for long enough to find out ?

I think we should be told...........
Hi Puzzleking123,

>>>Any idea where radio stations get there questions like this from

I would imagine they run a series of polls through social media and traditional media outlets. Equally there are plenty of small websites which focus their PR efforts on polls and statistics like this - so there would be a great supply of stats like this from all over the place.

Equally they could just be watching pointless or old re-runs of family fortunes and nicking their info from there!

All the best,

Spare Ed
oh is this some sort of quiz?
if so, what about the digital camera memory chips
A spare PAYG SIM card, which they use for phone calls to their secret lover ?
JJ....LOL....;-) or lovers telephone number written backwards....;-)
Trick of the trade, sqaddie ??


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13% of people keep what in their wallets

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