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cryptic 26,427

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creamegg | 19:48 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
7d- very small, not starting to be irritating
i?c?y - itchy?

15d- chart overthrow of apartheid 3,6
h?t ?a?a?e

16d- things to gamble with - in form golfers speciality 4,4
?h?p ?h??

18d- cowboy managed singer and actress

26a- officers to lead british and german forces 3,5
??p ???s?


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7d (t)itchy
16d chip shot
15d hit parade
18 Rancher
26 Top Brass
15d hit parade
18d ran cher
26a to pb ra ss
18d ran cher

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cryptic 26,427

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