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Fao - The KM Players

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seekeerz | 02:47 Sat 01st Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
59 Answers
We're off to a slightly dodgy start this New Year - and a Very Happy New Year to you all, before we go any further - it would seem the printed crossword in today's paper is a repeat of last Saturday and we may well have to wait till someone ventures out into the white-out to collect their paper - thinking about it, this too may not help either !!

If anyone has anything different, please post or we may have to return to our 'holiday' for another week !!


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Thanks Steff, and a very Happy New Year to you also.

We will have to wait and see, but I'm not venturing out at this hour even though the snow has virtually all but gone in my neck of the woods.
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The 'witching hour' is rapidly approaching - while I'd rather nobody went out in the white stuff, if anyone does have a different version of the crossword in their paper, please post the words under this and we'll play on from there - thanks, skz
Since last week's crossword was only available to subscribers, I wouldn't be surprised if they repeat it this week on paper to be fair to the many others who do not subscribe/do not have a computer. But we need someone who has seen both versions to be sure. Happy New Year to everyone.
thankks steff
happy new year everybody
let's hope we have some winners
Did not see last Saturday's on line version but today's KM crossword
is OK & as there was no Herculis last Monday we should be on a level playing field.
One of the clues is a very long quotation & I haven't worked out the answers yet.
Happy New Year to everyone......sorry about the cricket!!! (little liar)
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Ooooo ... I was just waiting for that to rear its ugly head !!!
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eccles - what is the number of the crossword you have ?? if its 12,346, that is the same as last Saturdays - there were no shaded clues hence no competition and as Elspeth says it was only available to subscribers
good morning all and a very H N Y to all ABers
Have not been out for todays paper yet -is it that there are no
shaded clues shown Steff?
I think the answers are

My links are

Candy stripe
Sunset strip
Terra cotta
Night Club
I hope I am right?
if those are indeed the clues then I will go for
candy FLOSS
strip CLUB
TERRA cotta
night JAR

thanks J
and Mrs J will go for
candy stripe
sunset strip
terra cotta
silent night
Cotton candy
Strip tease
Terra cotta
Night mare

unless we hear otherwise..............
happy new year seekeerz
cold in uk but deecee and i are enjoying watching cricket in the sunshine
on tv of course
Good morning all and a Happy New Year to all the linkers.
If these are correct I will go with:

Night OWL
Good morning all and a Very Happy New Year. I'll go for :

COTTON candy
SUNSET strip

Other half is in bed with man-flu but may have a go later!
A very happy and healthy New Year to all of you. Cliffyg and I are in limbo this week - just watching the cricket in a sunnier place than here. If the words are correct I'll try with Cotton Candy
Sunset Strip
Terra Cotta
Night Jar
Happy New Year Steff and here's hoping to a closer 5th match.
HNY to everyone else too.
I'll try:
candy MAN
strip LIGHT
TERRA cotta
nightMARE(s) ... not thinking of the Aussie cricket team .... honest :-)
candy floss
strip light
terra cotta
night cap
Candy Floss
Strip Poker
Aurelia Cotta
Twelfth Night
in case you need the clues too (or have I missed them somewhere?) they are:

36a Identifying shirt, shorts and socks worn by members of a football team
9d "O nuncle, court holy water in a dry house is better than this rainwater out o'door. Good nuncle, in, and ask thy daughters' blessing; here's a - pities neither wise man nor fool" King lear, Act III sc 2
48d short ecclesiastical garment resembling a surplice
51d Actor who starred in Planes, trains and Automobiles and Uncle Buck

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Fao - The KM Players

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