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balblair crossword

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cran275 | 17:42 Fri 18th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
6d thanks to best selling one in the south pacific (6) -a----
7d leave newsman lacking people (8) -e-----d
21d looked away from the wind with communist (6) --e-e-
11a introduces a building with land (8) p-e-----
13a no greek number consumed drug (6) o-----
20a scottish football league to say, and say in a rage (8) s---t-e-
25a fundamental particle in cheese (6) -u-r-snter Further Question Details Here...


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6d Tahiti
6d] Tahiti
6d Tahiti
13 Opiate?
21d Leered
20a Splutter ?
7d Deserted

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balblair crossword

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