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Well how about this for a 'Happy ending?'
As I am a retired Technical Writer, with a bunch of R&D experience, I decided to, "Do a Lab Report," on my BT Vision experience. And...........the last para of my report was my admission, "No one made me sign-up for a year, but, I feel I was taken-in by the promises, and TV ads.
I sent it registered post to the head of Customer Services, and after a couple of weeks with no response, I figured, well, so much for their customer service.
Then one night while watching normal TV, I had disconnected BT Vision Box and packed it away in the garage, a lady called from customer service and apologised and said she would cancel my contract forthwith. Just got my BT bill and yep, no BT Vision Payment. and they sent me a returns kit which I used to send by back the BT Vision equipment.
Needless to say, I really am well-chuffed.
Good to win-one ever so often ---- At this time, I make the score:
Lions 2,600,000,000 Christians 1 (yep, we're making our move)
Old Salt