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hotrocker | 01:04 Thu 17th Mar 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Can anyone help with 19, 56, 83, 122 and 124 please.
I have some ideas but seem to have some conflicting information.

Thanks to anyone who can help


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have you tried googling?
I got all of these that way, and then checked as well as I could in books.

56. Think "I'm free" and an indoor sport.

83. Just type Eddy Merckx into Google.

124. always a good place to seek out the film/tv questions.

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Yes, silly moo, I have tried googling. That is in fact why I have a choice of answers for the above, as I have evidence of conflicting answers in some of these questions.

eg. Q124 asks for the story title. I have found sites that say that Miss Thompson is the original story and Rain is the film, but other sites refer to the original story as being Rain. Hence my confusion.

Also Q56 - I found the person and the sport, but both the websites I found referred to that person winning in different years to those stated. However, I have now found a different site which clarifies the information for this question.

I wasn't asking to be given the answers on a plate, just a pointer which would help to clarify the alternatives that I already have evidence of, and assumed that others may be having the same problems. I was hoping to open up a discussion. I am still looking for several answers, but have not asked for help on these, as I like to find them myself.
Q124 I have the complete short story collection and can tell you that the answer is 'rain'. I'm not sure how this can be confirmed without a copy of the book or trip to the library.
Im sure this is actually not Rain, but "Miss thompson" - "rain" appears to be the theatrical production of the "miss Thompson"
I agree with alunrw.  The film ws made in 1953 and was called Miss Sadie Thompson based on the short story Miss Thompson.  There was, however, a lot of rain in it. 
Question Author
This discussion is just what I was hoping to instigate.

The following site states that "Rain" was founded on the story "Miss Thompson" by W. Somerset Maugham.

The same source also states that "Sadie Thompson" was based on the short story "Rain" by W. Somerset Maugham and adapted from the play "Rain" by John Colton and Clemence Randolph.

See also the following two sites: and
Both sites refer to the original collection of short stories The Trembling of a Leaf, but one says it contains the story Rain, whilst the other says it contains the story Miss Thompson.

Volume one of the collected short stories of S.M. (with a preface by S.M. himself) has a story with the title 'Rain'.
It fits all the clues in the question.
P.S. 'Rain' written 1920
The Chambers Dictionary of Literary Characters (2004 version) shows Sadie Thompson as appearing in `Rain`, which then goes on to describe the story which bears great similarity to the film.  The Oxford Companion to English literature (2000 edition) also states that the title was `Rain` and that with Sadie Thompson as a character it was staged and filmed several times.

When  first went through the quiz my first choice was Rain. I must have the same copy of the Collected Short Stories as silly moo. These strories were selected by the author for this collection.Why is the first story entirtled "Rain" and not "Miss Thompson" or "Sadie Thompson". I have found reference to both the Sadie titles on several Web Sites[all American} Drabble in The Oxford Companion to English Lit. quotes "Rain"


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