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heage quiz

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smurf | 13:35 Tue 15th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
still looking has anyone any clues for logos 8 and 23
thanke for any help


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Have you tried the Tin Eye site Smurf ? here's a link. It's really easy to use. Save the images on your computer and then just upload onto Tin Eye
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thanks mazie will give it a go
A pleasure let me know if it helps smurf
What about 24? I still want that one too.
24) Fuel company
Mazie, how do you save these images onto your computer. Everytime I try to click on them I just get the option to "copy" or to save the whole thing as a PDF file. How do you save individual images as JPEG's so that you can upload them onto this website please?

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