They are a dozen-strong gang, laden with jewels, weapons, internal organs and gardening equipment. Some of them are visually impaired, yet they have been sighted all over the place. Who or what are...
....... and as such, the king is giving you the opportunity to marry one of his 3 daughters. All 3 of his daughters are identical in EVERY way, except for: the youngest sister ALWAYS tells lies; the...
A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this...
A man is in court for killing his wife. In the closing statements the man's lawyer surprises everyone when he announces "His wife was just missing. Everyone look at those doors. His wife is going to...
Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. One girl drank them very fast and drank five of them in the time it took the other to drink one. The girl who drank one died while the other...