Music0 min ago
Dr Who Quiz
15 Answers
just a little fun quiz, for all you whovians, to celebrate the big day - five easy questions...first response with all five correct wins best answer
1. when david morrissey thought he was the doctor in the 2008 christmas special 'the next doctor', what did he say that T.A.R.D.I.S stood for?
2. name the home planet of the slitheen
3. name all the actors who have played the master
4. what was peter davison's hobby - that he incorporated into his portrayal of the fifth doctor?
5. who tried to destroy the doctor by manipulating the companion Turlough?
finally, in case anybody has not seen it - there is a short drama on u-tube called 'night of the doctor' -- it stars paul mcgann, (8th doctor) and is a prequel to the big one tonight
have fun (i'm off out to get some jelly babies, in honour of my favourite doctor)
OK, let's try this.. 1. Tethered Air Reconnaissan ce Developed In Style. 2. Raxicoricofa llapatorius . 3. Roger Delgado Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers Anthony Ainley Gordon Tipple Eric Roberts Jonathon Pryce Derek Jacobi John Simm 4. Cricket 5. Black Guardian.
14:29 Sat 23rd Nov 2013