Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Plants Called Christine
7 Answers
My Daughter Christine has recently died and I am trying to give her a corner in my small Cottage type garden with plants that have her name. I have found a Clematis called Christine and also a Dahlia with her name, but I need just one or 2 more and would be glad for any suggestions. Perennials, if possible. Thank you in advance for any suggestions
First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you must be suffering. You could try here -...
16:02 Tue 09th Sep 2014
David Austin do a Climbing Rose called Christine
http:// www.dav idausti nroses. nglish/ showros e.asp?s howr=10 32
First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you must be suffering.
You could try here -
https:/ /www.rh k/Plant s/Searc h-Resul ts?cont ext=b%2 53D10%2 526hf%2 53D10%2 526l%25 3Den%25 26q%253 Dchrist ine%252 6s%253D desc%25 2528pla nt_merg ed%2525 29%2526 sl%253D plants& amp;s=d esc(pla nt_merg ed)& ;query= christi ne& form-mo de=true &pa ge=2
Or, I don't know if you would be interested in this rose called Dear Daughter -
http:// www.cou ntrygar denrose /prodde p?prod= dear-da ughter
You could try here -
Or, I don't know if you would be interested in this rose called Dear Daughter -
There is a Streptocarpus named Christine
Picture here
http:// www.str eptocar pussoci .uk/#!s treptoc arpus-v arietie s-a-z/c 1xvd
Possible Supplier here
https:/ /www.rh k/Plant s/Nurse ry?id=2 494
Picture here
Possible Supplier here
Sorry for your loss but a terrific idea in memory of your daughter. This one is called Christina. I also think there is a rhododendron called Christina but I always thought azaleas and rhododendron were related.
http:// www.gar denguid 84744-i nformat ion-chr istina- azalea- plant.h tml
I am sorry to hear of your loss
There is a Clematis is called Christine.
http:// www.gif taplant .com/sh op/POPU LAR_LAD IES_NAM ES/CLEC HR3
There is a Clematis is called Christine.
Thank you to everybody for the great suggestions, I have just ordered the Clematis for a start and others will follow The Rose "Dear Daughter" will to go on the existing arbour. To bunkmoreland: I know what you mean, but the whole garden is what she liked, this one is special corner with her name.
Thank you again
Thank you again