I am really stuck on these questions any help much appreciated.
Mrs. Ahab 7 letters.
Montgomery, perhaps. 3,4,5. letters.
Almost swore at the breakers. 3,3,7. letters
Nothing in fact. 4 8. letters.
Red windmill 6 5 letters.
This one is a dingbat. AMIDAVALOUR 5,2,4 letters.
Many thanks.
Thank you ever so much aelmpvw, Captain2,scorpiojo and vakayu you are clever people I have just found some more,
Thank you aelmpvu,Captain2, scorpiojo and vakayu ever so much you are clever people. I have just found some more.
Chirpy, chirpy cheep cheep 8 letters.
Mediterranean cookie-what a nag 10 letters.
Truth and sincerity cannot be stressed enough. 3,10,2,5,7 letters.
Answer? She just grew up 8,8,2,4,4,letters.
What can I say vakayu and scorpiojo just a BIG THANK-YOU now I would like help on the last two please.
1. searching for a decent inheritance. 4,4,7 letters.
2 The answer to the question before this question was HAIRSRAY this question follows on ...or you could emulate her, of course. 3,4,1,6,6.letters