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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:23 Sat 28th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
126 Answers
I haven't looked out yet so no idea what the weather is like, it's not cold though 9.4C. not bad for December.
I've no idea what is on for today, nothing on the calendar, so might scale mount Ironing, which is making Ben Nevis look like a molehill. a four pint pile I estimate. Might make it a bottle of wine instead!
Have a happy day everyone.


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morning Boaty, you are going to be busy if you get through all that ironing.
Good morning Boaty.
On ya Bro!!!
Now you're here cancel mine.
Waiting in the shadows ;-)
have you had a good Christmas boaty,
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Morning emmie xxx and oz. OK mate. I'll do that. Back in a tick.
and 1ozzy, Theland did you get any nice things for Christmas.
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Morning TL. How are you this morning mate?
Christmas? Yes. I found my other sock.
One of my sons bought me a great big jig saw puzzle:-/
I think it will stay in the box.
I have enough real life problems to solve without trying to work on a store bought one :-)
Damm I'm glad I don't have to skipper the good ship.
Take the helm old mate.
Apparently Emmie, Santa delivered a book to Theland.
Can't recall the title, something to do with being nice to people on the internet;-/
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The store bought one should be less traumatic though TL!
1ozzy a book of fables then..
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I have the helm oz. thanks mate. :o}
A bit disappointed actually.
With the New Years honours, I thought I might have been Sir Theland this morning. But alas :-(
How about you? Is it Sir Boaty yet?
Morning all had a bit of a result yesterday, was buying some logs from local garage, different couple serving, presumably covering over Christmas, anyway they said they had some logs that they no longer have a use for. All mine for a bottle of red wine.
nice trade off Tony
I've always held you in the highest regard Theland, even if you did drink Carlsburg lager, can't hold a grudge you know.
Sir Theland has no ring to it at all, but, could still be memorable
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Morning tony. Result!

emmie I had a lovely day yesterday with friends. my turn to go to them next time.

No TL. No Sir Boaty. :o} unlikely to ever be so. I've been called a few things though in my time!

"Beginners Guide To Being Nice."
My new book.
Got to study it in time for 2020.
Indeed emmie, ozzy your thread about arid Australia has disappeared.
that's good boaty..

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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